Data Science and Machine Learning

UpGrad Free Courses on Data Science and Machine Learning

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Click on Menu Data Science and Machine Learning for the following free courses.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in the Real World (7hrs)

This Artificial Intelligence free course will help you learn about the applications of AI in the service and non-service industries. You will also be able to leverage this knowledge to understand and appreciate the role of AI in different industries.

Tableau, Python and SQL

Case Study using Tableau, Python and SQL (10hrs)

This course will help you apply your knowledge in SQL, Python and Tableau. In this course you will be going through a case study, where you will be combining these three technologies to come up with a business solution for our churn problem.


Introduction to Tableau (8hrs)

In this free course you will learn about data analytics and ways to transform data and gain actionable insights. Additionally, you will learn how to visualise data and about various chart types using Tableau

Data Science in E-commerce

Data Science in E-commerce (13hrs)

This data science course will help you acquire skills used in the E-commerce sector to make key business decisions using data. In this course you will learn about Recommendation System, Price Optimisation, Market Mix Modelling and A/B Testing

Natural Language Processing

Introduction to Natural Language Processing (11hrs)

This course on Artificial Intelligence will help in taking your first step towards learning the interactions between human language and computers i.e., NLP. The course covers the basics of NLP, and other topics such as RegEx for building tools for Spell Correction, Phonetic Hashing, and Spam Detection.

Deep Learning of Neural Networks

Fundamentals of Deep Learning of Neural Networks (28hrs)

In this beginner-friendly course,you will learn about the most sophisticated and cutting-edge models in machine learning – Artificial Neural Networks or ANNs. You will be introduced to the basics of Neural Networks and various concepts related to Deep Neural Network

Linear Algebra

Linear Algebra for Analysis (5hrs)

This introductory course will help you learn Linear Algebra required for analytics. Topics such as vectors, linear transformations, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be covered.

Advanced SQL

Advanced SQL: Functions and Formulas (11hrs)

This course will help you become a master in SQL. In this advanced course you will learn concepts such as window functions, partitioning, query optimisation, case statements, and stored functions which will help in solving tricky questions easily and are useful tools for handling several use cases.

Database Design with MySQL

Introduction to Database Design with MySQL (8hrs)

This Introductory course will help you to get started with your data analytics journey. In this course you will learn all about database design and the basics of MySQL using MySQL Workbench.

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing Crash Course (11hrs)

This course introduces you to Hypothesis Testing and covers everything from scratch. You will be learning about the types of hypotheses, Decision-making criteria, critical value and p-value methods for testing Hypothesis.

Inferential Statistics

Basics of Inferential Statistics (15hrs)

This data analytics course will help you learn how to use a random sample data to describe and make inference about the population. You will learn probability, statistics, continuous and discrete probability distributions, sampling methods and their error quantification and central limit theorem.

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering (11hrs)

This course is designed to help you master Clustering in Unsupervised Learning. It includes basic introduction to Clustering, K-Means Clustering and its execution, Hierarchical Clustering, etc.

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression for Beginners (17hrs)

The course covers the concept of Logistic Regression and its applications in the industry. Topics such as univariate and multi-variate logistic regression in detail.

Linear Regression

Linear Regression – Step by Step Guide (21hrs)

This course will help you start your Machine Learning journey by introducing you to the concept of Regression. The course covers simple and multiple linear regression, and the relevance of regression in the industries.

Python Libraries

Learn Python Libraries: NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas (15hrs)

This is a preparatory course which will help you build your knowledge on Python programming. In this course you will learn about three important and the most popular Python libraries for handling data: NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas.

Basic Python Programming

Learn Basic Python Programming (12hrs)

This course will be focused on developing problem-solving ability using Python and will familiarize you with programming. In this course you will solve coding questions based on Lists, Strings and other data structures like tuples, sets and dictionary.

Programming with Python

Programming with Python: Introduction for Beginners (13hrs)

This course is an introductory course to help you get started with python programming. In this course you will be learning control statements, basic data structures, and OOP concepts.

Data Analysis in Excel

Exploratory Data Analysis in Excel (15 hrs)

In this course, you will dive deeper into the technical aspect of collecting relevant data and preparing it for further analysis. This course will help you formulate key business strategies, optimise resources and take key decisions to solve any business problem

Patterns in Data and Storytelling

Analyzing Patterns in Data and Storytelling (6hrs)

In this course you will learn the applications of data analytics in real-world scenarios by covering topics such as analysis of data patterns, documenting insights, data visualisation and storytelling.

Data Analysis

Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel (9hrs)

In this beginner-friendly course, you will learn all everything about MS Excel. This course will help you in building the skills required to analyse large datasets and generate business relevant insights.