Generative AI

I want to start an online busniess. Your task is to validte my busniess idea and provide pros nad cone for the same, along with insights into the scope of growth of my business and more. Idea- I want to start a personalised gift service that becomes a one-stop destination for anyone looking to buy gifts for their loved ones. I live in a remote town and have access to a few tallented artists who create sculptures, jewellary, paintings and many such artistic creations. I acn get these created at lower prices and sell it across India at higher prices and run a profitable business.

Perform comprtitive research for me for this idea, and share links of various competitors in this space in the Indian market. Give the results in a tabular format. There should be 4 columns. Column 1 – Busineess name, Colum 2- Link. Column 3- Area of operation of business, Column 4- USPs of the business, Column 5- How to comprtete with them.

Suggest me a few business names for my business, keeping in mind the theme of Indian heritage, and then develop the brand’s vision, mission and goals.

Create a website layout for my business. Add the details on the website structure, different page, off-beat features to add and more such information that can help me build a scaffolding for my website.

Hel me with various design elements of this website, such as which font will work best for which page, heading etc. Also suggest what kind of images should I be adding and where. Give the result in a tabular form with column 1-Website page as you gave above, Column 2- Elements in this page, Column 3- Fonts to be used in various places in the website, Colum 4 – Types of images to use if any.

Suggest 2-3 colour schemes for my website. Detail out where to use which colour for all the alternatives.

Let me know why you choose these colour schemes.

Create the website copy for single element of every page in tabular format. Give me two alternative for every element. The table should contain Column 1-Webpage, Column 2- Element, Column 3- Description and place of element, Column 4- Column 5 – Web copy alternative 1, Web Copy alternative 2.


What are the most popular blogs and websites related to the artificial intelligence?

Give me a few options for various niches I could choose for my blog.

Give me a few options for various niches within artificail intelligence I could choose for my blog.

Create sub niches for “AI in Healthcare”.

For each sub-niches that you have identified create broad level keywords.

Write the first post of this blog on a trending topic related to medical research. Include keywords such as “AI-assisted research, data mining, high throughput screening, bioinformatics.”

Write the blog in the style of Tim Urban, a famous blogger with a very engaging style of blogging. Create a post of about 8000 words.

Add multiple engaging examples.

Write this blog post such that a 15 year can understand it.

Marketting Comapaign

I run a playhouse for children called Bounce in the sate of Gujarat. We have arcade games, bowling and many such activities that are engaging for children, teens and even working professionals. i want to launch a marketting comapign. What can some of my goals be, based on the SMART framework?

Create a target persona for me , for my customers.

What channel should I use for each of my personas, if my goal is to increase weekday footfall? I am active on instagram, website, tweeter and WhatsApp for now.

Prepare some marketing assets as examples for these segments.

I have a budget of 2 lakh INR for the whole activity. Help me allocate it.

What should be KPIs for this compaign?







Event Planning





Food & Drink



Click on Gemini,  ChatGPT, or  Claud to explore further by framing suitable prompts or read topics from Google and  Translate the content to read and listen in various languages like Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Tamil, Bengali, and more.

4 FREE AI Website Builder

ChatGPT Prompts for Travel

Book Summaries

Marketing Specific Prompts

ChatGPT for Job Search

Write a Complete Book

Popular Niches and Micro Niches

A niche is a market or segment of people or a specific set of products. A micro-niche is a subcategory inside of a broader niche. The difference between a “macro-niche” and a “micro-niche is the difference between a general interest and a laser focus. 

Click on a niche to explore its micro niches

  1. Business Growth: 1-5
  2. Career Growth: 6-10
  3. Health & Wellness: 11-14
  4. Making Money: 15-18
  5. Relationship: 19-22
  6. Personal Development: 23-26 
  7. Arts & Crafts: 27-30

Niche Wise Promps

  1. Business Growth
  2. 84 ChatGPT Prompts for Travel
  3. x
  4. x
  5. x
  6. Career Growth
  7. x
  8. x
  9. x
  10. x
  11. Health & Wellness
  12. x
  13. x
  14. x
  15. Making Money
  16. x
  17. x
  18. x
  19. Relationship
  20. x
  21. x
  22. x
  23. Personal Development
  24. x
  25. x
  26. x
  27. Arts & Crafts
  28. x
  29. x
  30. x

Master Prompt for Use Cases

I want you to act as a content writer. Very proficient SEO writer. Writes fluent English. You must add at the top heading for H tags with brief definitions based on the topic. Then create two tables. The first table Should be the Table of Contents of the topic and the Second Should be the article with the Introduction as an H2 tag. Bold the Heading of the Second Table using Markdown. Write the Table of Contents of the article separately before writing, at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H2, H3, and H4 headings). Then, start writing based on the Table of Contents, step by step, on headings and subheadings. Write the article in your own words rather than copying and pasting from other sources. Consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Use fully detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write in a Conversational Style as Written by a Human (Use an Informal Tone, Utilize Personal Pronouns, Keep it simple, engage the reader, Use the active voice, Keep it brief, use rhetorical questions, and incorporate Analogies and Metaphors). End with a conclusion paragraph and 5 unique FAQs for answering after the Conclusion. At the very bottom of the article write this custom message. A. A. Khatana, Former Executive Director, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, New Delhi, Founder AI Prompt Engineering Academy and Digital & AI Performance Coach @ Now write an article on this topic “[Keyword]”