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 Class 6 Physics  Class 7 Physics  Class 8 Physics
1 Light Shadow & reflection 1 Wind Storms & cyclones 1 Force & Pressure
2 Electricity & Circuits 2 Motion & Time 2 Friction
3 Fun with Magnets 3 Electric Current & Its Effects 3 Sound
4 Motion & Measurement of Distance 4 Light 4 Chemical Effects of Electric Current
 Class 6 Chemistry  Class 7 Chemistry 5 Some Natural Phenomena
1 Fibre to Fabric 1 Fibres to Fabric 6 Light
2 Sorting of Materials 2 Physical & Chemical Changes 7 Stars & the Solar System
3 Separation of Substance 3 Heat  Class 8 Chemistry
4 Changes Around us 4 Acid Base & Salts 1 Synthetic Fibres & Plastics
5 Air Around us  Class 7 Maths 2 Metals & Non-metals
 Class 6 Maths 1 Integers 3 Coal & Petroleum
1 Knowing Your Numbers 2 Fractions & Decimals 4 Combustion & Flame
2 Whole Numbers 3 Data Handling  Class 8 Maths
3 Playing with Numbers 4 Simple Equation 1 Rational Numbers
4 Basic Geometrical Ideas 5 Lines & Angles 2 Linear Equations in 1 Variable
5 Understanding Elementary Shapes 6 The Triangle & Its Properties 3 Understanding Quadrilaterals
6 Integers 7 Congruence of Triangles 4 Practical Geometry
7 Fractions 8 Comparing Quantities 5 Data Handling
8 Decimals 9 Rational Numbers 6 Squares and Square Roots
9 Data Handling 10 Practical Geometry 7 Cubes and Cube Roots
10 Mensuration 11 Perimeter & Area 8 Comparing Quantities
11 Algebra 12 Algebraic Expression 9 Algebraic Expressions & Identities
12 Ratio & Proportion 13 Exponents & Power 10 Visualising Solid Shapes
13 Symmetry 14 Symmetry 11 Mensuration
14 Practical Geometry 15 Visualising Solid Shapes 12 Exponents and Powers
 Class 6 Biology  Class 7 Biology 13 Direct and Inverse Proportions
1 Body Movement 1 Nutrition in Plants 14 Factorisation
2 Getting to know Plants 2 Nutrition in Animals 15 Introduction to Graphs
3 Living Organisms & Surroundings 3 Weather, Climate & Adaptation of Animals 16 Playing with Numbers
4 Component of Food 4 Soil  Class 8 Biology
5 Food: Where does it come from? 5 Respiration in Organisms 1 Crop Production & Management
6 Water 6 Transportation in Animals & Plants 2 Micro-organisms: Friend & Foe
7 Garbage in, Garbage out 7 Reproduction in Plants 3 Conservation of Plants & Animals
8 Water: A Precious resource 4 Cell
9 Forests : Our lifeline 5 Reproduction in Animals
10 Waste Water Story 6 Reaching the Age of Adolescence
7 Pollution of Air & Water
Class 9 Physics  Class 10 Physics
1 Motion 1 Light – Reflection & Refraction
2 Force & Laws of Motion 2 Human Eye & Colourful World
3 Gravitation 3 Electricity
4 Work & Energy 4 Sources of Energy
5 Sound  Class 10 Chemistry
 Class 9 Chemistry 1 Chemical Reactions & Equations
1 Matter In Our Surroundings 2 Acids, Bases & Salts
2 Is Matter Around Us Pure 3 Metals & Non-Metals
3 Atoms & Molecules 4 Carbon & Its Compounds
4 Structure of The Atom 5 Periodic Classification of Elements
 Class 9 Maths  Class 10 Maths
1 Number Systems 1 Real Numbers
2 Polynomials 2 Polynomials
3 Coordinate Geometry 3 Linear Equations in 2 Variables
4 Linear Equations In 2 Variables 4 Quadratic Equations
5 Euclid’S Geometry 5 Arithmetic Progressions
6 Lines & Angles 6 Triangles
7 Triangles 7 Coordinate Geometry
8 Quadrilaterals 8 Introduction to Trigonometry
9 Areas Parallelograms & Triangles 9 Applications of Trigonometry
10 Circles 10 Circles
11 Constructions 11 Constructions
12 Heron’S Formula 12 Areas Related to Circles
13 Surface Areas & Volumes 13 Surface Areas & Volumes
14 Statistics 14 Statistics
15 Probability 15 Probability
 Class 9 Biology  Class 10 Biology
1 Fundamental Unit of Life 1 Life Processes
2 Tissues 2 Control & Coordination
3 Why Do We Fall Ill 3 Our Environment
4 Improvement Food Resources 4 How Do Organisms Reproduce?
5 Diversity In Living Organisms 5 Management of Natural Resources
6 Heredity & Evolution


 Class 11 Physics  Class 12 Physics
1 Physical World 1 Electric Charges & Fields
2 Units & Measurements 2 Electrostatic Potential
3 Motion In A Straight Line 3 Capacitance
4 Motion In A Plane 4 Current Electricity
5 Laws of Motion 5 Moving Charges & Magnetism
6 Work, Energy & Power 6 Magnetism & Matter
7 Rotational Motion 7 Electromagnetic Induction
8 Gravitation 8 Alternating Current
9 Mechanical Properties of Solids 9 Electromagnetic Waves
10 Mechanical Properties of Fluids 10 Ray Optics & Optical Instruments
11 Thermal Properties of Matter 11 Wave Optics
12 Thermodynamics 12 Dual Nature Radiation & Matter
13 Kinetic Theory 13 Atoms
14 Oscillations 14 Nuclei
15 Waves 15 Semiconductor Electronics
 Class 11 Chemistry 16 Communication Systems
1 Concepts of Chemistry  Class 12 Chemistry
2 Structure of Atom 1 The Solid State
3 Element Classify & Periodicity 2 Solutions
4 Chemical Bonding & Structure 3 Electrochemistry
5 States of Matter 4 Chemical Kinetics
6 Thermodynamics 5 Surface Chemistry
7 Equilibrium 6 Isolation of Elements
8 Redox Reactions 7 The P-Block Elements
9 Hydrogen 8 The D-& F-Block Elements
10 The S-Block Elements 9 Coordination Compounds
11 The P-Block Elements 10 Haloalkanes & Haloarenes
12 Organic Chemistry 11 Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers
13 Hydrocarbons 12 Aldehydes, Ketones & Acids
14 Environmental Chemistry 13 Amines
 Class 11 Maths 14 Biomolecules
1 Sets 15 Polymers
2 Relation & Functions 16 Chemistry In Everyday Life
3 Trigonometric Functions  Class 12 Maths
4 Mathematical Induction 1 Relations & Functions
5 Complex Numbers 2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
6 Linear Inequalities 3 Matrices
7 Permutations & Combinations 4 Determinants
8 Binomial Theorem 5 Continuity & Differentiability
9 Sequences & Series 6 Application of Derivatives
10 Straight Lines 7 Integrals
11 Conic Sections 8 Application of Integrals
12 Introduction To 3D Geometry 9 Differential Equations
13 Limits & Derivatives 10 Vector Algebra
14 Mathematical Reasoning 11 Three Dimensional Geometry
15 Statistics 12 Linear Programming
16 Probability 13 Probability
 Class 11 Biology  Class 12 Biology
1 The Living World 1 Reproduction In Organisms
2 Biological Classification 2 Sexual Reproduction In Plants
3 Plant Kingdom 3 Human Reproduction
4 Animal Kingdom 4 Reproductive Health
5 Morphology of Flowering Plants 5 Inheritance & Variation
6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants 6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance
7 Structural Organisation In Animals 7 Evolution
8 Cell : The Unit of Life 8 Human Health & Disease
9 Biomolecules 9 Enhancement In Food Production
10 Cell Cycle & Cell Division 10 Microbes In Human Welfare
11 Transport In Plants 11 Biotechnology Principles
12 Mineral Nutrition 12 Biotechnology & Its Applications
13 Photosynthesis In Higher Plants 13 Organisms & Populations
14 Respiration In Plants 14 Ecosystem
15 Plant Growth & Development 15 Biodiversity & Conservation
16 Digestion & Absorption 16 Environmental Issues
17 Breathing & Exchange of Gases  English Grammar
18 Body Fluids & Circulation 1 Preposition
19 Excretory Products & Elimination 2 Number
20 Locomotion & Movement 3 Gender
21 Neural Control & Coordination 4 Noun
22 Chemical Coordination 5 Subject Verb Agreement
 Physics Experiments 6 Correct Usage of Adjective
1 Light 7 Noun and Pronoun-Case
2 Sound 8 Correct Usage of Adverb
3 Electricity 9 Intro to Phrase and Clause
4 Properties of Matter 10 Direct Indirect Speech
5 Magnetism 11 Subject Predicate
6 Waves 12 Adjective
7 Force & Motion 13 Personal Pronoun
8 Electrostatics 14 Verb Person and Number
9 Work Energy & Power 15 Direct Indirect Object
10 Heat & Thermodynamics 16 Sentences
17 Tenses
18 Active Passive Voice
19 Interjection
20 Transitive and Intransitive Verb
21 Conjunction
22 Articles

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