
UpGrad Free Courses on Technology

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Click on Menu Technology for the following free courses.


Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (2hrs)

In this course you’ll learn what cybersecurity is and why is it important in today’s time. You’ll also learn various terminologies and challenges in cybersecurity.

Cloud Computing

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing (2hrs)

This course will help you understand the fundamental concepts of cloud computing, including storage, database, networking, virtualization, containers, and cloud architecture.

Product Management

Product Management: Understanding the Market (5hrs)

In this course you’ll be understanding the key component in a business model and also how to estimate the market size for any product or offering.


Introduction to NFTs (30 mins)

This course will provide you with insights on the fundamentals of NFTs, including how the NFT market works, ways o create an NFT wallet, and how to mint and promote NFTs.


Introduction to Cryptocurrency (30 mins)

This course aims to provide you with a fundamental grasp of the crypto world. It will take you through the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, how to invest in it, future career opportunities and a lot more.

Product Management

Introduction to Product Management (8hrs)

In this course, learn some of the key steps of product management in order to thrive in the field of product management.


React.js For Beginners (14hrs)

This course will teach you how to use React.js for creating web UI and it’s components. You’ll also learn how to use React.js to build a Phone Directory Application.


Node.js For Beginners (14hrs)

This course introduces you to the ways in which web applications that require real-time connection are developed. You will learn how to setup the coding environment, I/O Model, various modules and packages, JSON & JavaScript objects.

Object-Oriented Principles in Java

Object-Oriented Principles in Java: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism (12hrs)

In this course, learn about the framework of classes and objects, and get introduced to the principles of OOP – Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Object Oriented Analysis and Design for Beginners (7hrs)

This course introduces you to the world of software development and the process that goes into designing solutions using best practices. You will learn about the OOAD (Object-Oriented Analysis & Design) principles, creating UML diagrams, and Use Case, Class, Activity diagrams.


Core Java Basics (23hrs)

In this course, you will learn the concept of variables and the various data types that exist in Java. You will get introduced to Conditional statements, Loops and Functions in Java.


Advanced JavaScript for All (25hrs)

In this course, you will learn about advanced JavaScript concepts like function prototypes, scopes, classes, templates, modules import and export, callbacks, and async.

JavaScript Basics

JavaScript Basics from Scratch (19hrs)

In this beginner-friendly course, you will learn the fundamentals of programming with Java by exploring topics such as data types and variables, conditional statements, loops, and functions.


Blockchain Features Simplified (5hrs)

In this course, you’ll be learning about Blockchain technology and its concepts including immutability. Blockchain architecture, smart contracts, and use cases. 

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology: A Quick Introduction (9hrs)

In this course, learn what is blockchain, what are the fundamentals of blockchain, the bitcoin blockchain network, and how blockchain has evolved.

Data Structures & Algorithm

Data Structures & Algorithm (50hrs)

This course focuses on building your problem-solving skills to ace your technical interviews and excel as a Software Engineer. In this course, you will learn time complexity analysis, basic data structures like Arrays, Queues, Stacks, and algorithms such as Sorting and Searching.