





ChatGPT+Gen AI

  1. Fundamentals of Deep Learning of Neural Networks (28 hrs)
  2. How ChatGPT Understands You: Introduction to Natural Language Processing (11 hrs)
  3. Artificial Intelligence in the Real World (7 hrs)
  4. ChatGPT for Developers (2 hrs)
  5. Advanced Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT (2 hrs)
  6. Introduction to Generative AI (2 hrs)
  7. ChatGPT for Digital Marketing (1.5 hrs)

Data Science and Machine Leraning

  1. Artificial Intelligence in the Real World (7hrs)
  2. Case Study using Tableau, Python and SQL (10hrs)
  3. Introduction to Tableau (8hrs)
  4. Data Science in E-commerce (13hrs)
  5. Introduction to Natural Language Processing (11hrs)
  6. Fundamentals of Deep Learning of Neural Networks (28hrs)
  7. Linear Algebra for Analysis (5hrs)
  8. Advanced SQL: Functions and Formulas (11hrs)
  9. Introduction to Database Design with MySQL (8hrs)
  10. Hypothesis Testing Crash Course (11hrs)
  11. Basics of Inferential Statistics (15hrs)
  12. Unsupervised Learning: Clustering (11hrs)
  13. Logistic Regression for Beginners (17hrs)
  14. Linear Regression – Step by Step Guide (21hrs)
  15. Learn Python Libraries: NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas (15hrs)
  16. Learn Basic Python Programming (12hrs)
  17. Programming with Python: Introduction for Beginners (13hrs)
  18. Exploratory Data Analysis in Excel (15 hrs)
  19. Analyzing Patterns in Data and Storytelling (6hrs)
  20. Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel (9hrs)


  1. How to be a Successful Business Analyst (1hr)
  2. Introduction to Design Thinking (2hrs)
  3. Investing in the Modern Era (2hrs)
  4. Introduction to International Business Environment (3hrs)
  5. Effective Speaking: Master Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (2hrs)
  6. Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3hrs)
  7. Digital Innovations in the Financial System (6hrs)
  8. Introduction to Ratio Analysis (5hrs)
  9. Introduction to Digital Banking (6hrs)
  10. Building Digital Transformation Strategies (20 mins)
  11. Introduction to Guesstimates (2hrs)
  12. Introduction to Consumer Behavior (2hrs)
  13. Complete Guide to Problem Solving Skills (7hrs)
  14. E-Skills in Healthcare (3hrs)
  15. Mastering the Art of Effective Communication (8hrs)
  16. Human Behavior and Management in Healthcare (4hrs)
  17. Introduction to FinTech (3hrs)
  18. Introduction to HR Analytics (4hrs)
  19. Understanding Culture and its Various Components (3hrs)
  20. Fundamentals of Communication (1hr)
  21. Introduction to Research Methodology (4hrs)
  22. Advanced Writing and Editing for Print Media (4hrs)
  23. Introduction to Supply Chain Management (2hrs)
  24. Fundamentals of Development Journalism (2hrs)
  25. How to build your business from Zero to Zerodha – The success story of Nithin Kamath (1hr)
  26. Financial Analysis (7hrs)
  27. Introduction to HR Management and Strategy (3hrs)
  28. Accounting Fundamentals (5hrs)
  29. Business Analytics Fundamentals (6hrs)
  30. Introduction to Macroeconomics (3hrs)
  31. Introduction to Microeconomics (3hrs)
  32. Effective Business Communication (6hrs)
  33. How to Sell Anything: Mastering Sales Techniques (9hrs)
  34. Introduction to Business Analytics (15hrs)
  35. Economics Masterclass (2hrs)
  36. Business Communication Masterclass (2hrs)


  1. Introduction to Modern Public Relations (30 mins)
  2. Creating Consumer Value through Effective Marketing
  3. Building Successful Celebrity Partnerships and Campaigns (2hrs)
  4. Influencer Marketing from a Brand’s Perspective (20 mins)
  5. Introduction to Advertising (2hrs)
  6. Getting Influencer Marketing Right (20mins)
  7. How do Brands Leverage User Generated Content? (20mins)
  8. Complete Guide to Content Marketing (5hrs)
  9. Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing (4hrs)
  10. Basics of Search Engine Marketing (6hrs)
  11. Basics of Search Engine Optimization (6hrs)
  12. Web Analytics Course for Beginners (7hrs)
  13. Introduction to Social Media Marketing (6hrs)
  14. Fundamentals of Marketing (6hrs)
  15. Marketing Masterclass: Create Your Brand (1hr)


  1. Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (2hrs)
  2. Fundamentals of Cloud Computing (2hrs)
  3. Product Management: Understanding the Market (5hrs)
  4. Introduction to NFTs (30 mins)
  5. Introduction to Cryptocurrency (30 mins)
  6. Introduction to Product Management (8hrs)
  7. React.js For Beginners (14hrs)
  8. Node.js For Beginners (14hrs)
  9. Object-Oriented Principles in Java: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism (12hrs)
  10. Object Oriented Analysis and Design for Beginners (7hrs)
  11. Core Java Basics (23hrs)
  12. Advanced JavaScript for All (25hrs)
  13. JavaScript Basics from Scratch (19hrs)
  14. Blockchain Features Simplified (5hrs)
  15. Blockchain Technology: A Quick Introduction (9hrs)
  16. Data Structures & Algorithm (50hrs)

Career Planning

  1. Time and Productivity Management Techniques (45mins)
  2. Getting Stay Interviews Right (45mins)
  3. Workplace Emotional Intelligence: How to Be Emotionally Intelligent (45mins)
  4. 10 Ways to Manage Stress during Career Uncertainty (30mins)
  5. How to Stay Relevant in your Jobs during Digitalisation and Automation? (20 mins)
  6. The Ultimate Guide to Kickstarting your Data Science Journey (2hrs)
  7. Academic Writing (6hrs)
  8. The Ultimate Guide to Kickstarting your MBA Journey (1hr)
  9. Career Planning Fundamentals (20mins)


  1. Constitutional Litigation (4hrs)
  2. Soft Skills for Lawyers (2hrs)
  3. Merger and Control Rights (2hrs)
  4. Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (2hrs)
  5. Law and Justice in a Globalizing World (2hrs)

Soft Skills

  1. Time and Productivity Management Techniques (45mins)
  2. Effective Speaking: Master Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (2hrs)
  3. Complete Guide to Problem-Solving Skills (7hrs)
  4. Mastering the Art of Effective Communication (8hrs)
  5. Fundamentals of Communication (1hr)
  6. Effective Business Communication (6hrs)
  7. Business Communication Masterclass (2hrs)